Still secretly alive
I'm still around. I've been working really hard on my secret project and it's turning out nicely. I'll give a little info on it. It's an editor of sorts. Using .NET 2.0 and GDI+ is amazing. I've been able to create such a wonderfully interactive program in such a short time and it really gets your blood boiling to see great results so quickly.Using C# in Visual Studio 2005 is also really great. For a most part I can program while I'm running. If I don't like how something turns out I just set a break point and modify the code and continue running. You can pretty much modify anything within a function. It won't work if you try to add functions to a class though. I'm not sure of the exact restrictions, but it is amazing none-the-less. The refactoring tools in 2005 are also really nice. You write a big algorithm and you want to move it into a function, just create a prototype before your algorithm, pass in the parameters like you normally would, right click and select 'Create Method Stub' and it creates it just below the current function with all the parameters properly typed and named. Then you just move the algorithm and you're done.
Finally DockPanel. This little library started as a CodeProject article and since moved into a source forge project. It's great and you can very quickly and easily create a setup very similar to Visual Studio 2005. It really makes your app feel professional in no time. Add to that the new Menu/Tool/Status Strip classes in .NET 2.0 and development is quick and easy.
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- Written by Chris Savoie
- Category: Update
- Hits: 2768
Secrets Abound
After getting the basic noise function working I had a series of epiphanies and I'm now working on a super secret ultra project of DOOM! No screenshots or info until it's ready for world domination (read: doesn't look like poop and actually does something). It's really cool so if there are any lurkers out there start getting excited!- Details
- Written by Chris Savoie
- Category: Update
- Hits: 2832
It's getting noisy
I have an update sooner than expected. I was looking into noise functions today and it was pretty easy to implement. What I'm showing today is a greyscale 3d noise using the point normal plus (1,1,1). For some reason simply using the normal gives a horrible blocky result. What I have right now is extremly slow. At 6 octaves with smoothing and interpolation it takes a couple minutes to generate 4 256x256 textures. The really nice bonus the edges match up perfectly.
I think for the next step I'll apply this to the subdivision scheme and see if I can get a transition from space to ground.
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- Written by Chris Savoie
- Category: Update
- Hits: 2576
Lazy Update
My next step is to start generating textures and geometry. I've been taking a little break, playing some games (Civ4, Dawn of war, Fear). I fixed that seam problem, it was just clamping, I just had to set it in the shader (.fx) not the render state. I'm still a bit new to shaders. I also managed to map an image of the earth to my globe which looks kinda neat, though the scale is still a little off, and there's some nasty seams between quadrants. It might be a few more days up to a week before a decent update, still taking my break.- Details
- Written by Chris Savoie
- Category: Update
- Hits: 2416